Thursday, July 9, 2015


We're happy to announce that we've secured a discounted hotel rate for guests of our event!
We've struck an agreement with the Radisson Hotel East ( to offer guests of our event a promotional rate - $140 a night, plus free parking! The regular rate on rooms is $189 a night, so it's a significant saving, especially when you consider that it is Caribana weekend in Toronto.
To take advantage of this offer, you may call 416-493-7000 and ask to make a reservation under the 'QC Class of 2005 Event' block of rooms. Additionally, you may e-mail with your inquiry.
IMPORTANT: This offer is only good for a few days - the cut-off date for making your reservation is JULY 18. Also, we only have a limited number of rooms blocked off, so act soon to avoid disappointment!
Feel free to contact one of the organizers (information on the flyer) for any further information.

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